Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Searing Summer Update + D-Day: The Darkest Day!

It’s been a bit of a hectic year so far with the highly successful launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Starter Set and the big D-Day: The Darkest Day campaign book to coincide with the 80th anniversary. Plus prepping up for the launch of the new Mon Dieu Cthulhu release. More on all of those in […]

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Arrives!

Wow, this was a while coming! I’ve just received my contributor’s copies of the full range of Achtung! Cthulhu books, dice, and accessories and I have to say they are glorious! Seeing your words and ideas made into such impressive physical form is always a supreme thrill and this is the culmination of over two […]

Massive Damage Adventures

It’s always marvellous to have a chat about my work as an RPG narrative designer and I joined the splendid Meric Moir from Massive Damage Adventures for an extended Q&A where we discuss the forthcoming release of Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20. We cover all kinds of material including the factions, lore, and much much more in […]

The Constellation of Alarion Launches!

It’s The Constellation of Alarion launch day and my brand new collection of sci-fi short stories is now available to buy in paperback and e-book! It’s available on Kindle and paperback on Amazon UK and US, in PDF and paperback on DriveThruRPG, in PDF from and also on Smashwords! Some early reviews are in, […]

Constellation: Carers

Well, as you may have noticed, it’s launch week for The Constellation of Alarion and to celebrate, I thought I’d give you another chance to have a listen to one of the stories. This is Carers, the first short story in the collection, which was written for and originally performed at Virtual Future Fictions. Release […]

The Constellation Shines!

It’s always a seminal moment when the book you’ve spent so long writing, editing, reading, re-reading, plotting, planning and preparing finally arrives and sits plumply in your own fair hand. So  here it is, the first proof copy of The Constellation of Alarion and Other Stories! Release is set for Thursday 24th June, so just […]

The Constellation of Alarion

The Constellation of Alarion is finally here! My new collection of sci-fi short stories can finally be revealed and you can see it’s brand new cover above.

The ebook pre-order is live right now on both Amazon UK and US for Kindle lovers and Smashwords for all other ebook and retail formats, with the print paperback to follow on June 24.


More fun today as the long awaited Nyarlathotep anthology from Stygian Fox makes its debut on Amazon. I’m always tickled to be part of any anthology and for this one, I contributed Nyarlathotapp, an original short story.  Nyarlathotep has always been a fascinating figure within mythos circles: the dark pharaoh, the crawling chaos, the herald […]

Q&A on Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer

It’s always enjoyable to be able to talk about my writing and I’m really pleased to have been interviewed by Adam from the awesome Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer, one of the best fantastic fiction sites around.   In this extensive Q&A, we chat about all manner of shenanigans including my Seraph Chronicles and Mon Dieu […]

Innsmouth Book Club

What splendid fun I had last week joining Rob Poyton and John Chadwick for the Innsmouth Book Club, join us for a chat which encompasses books, Achtung! Cthulhu, computer games, the revenge of the nerds and the inexorable rise of interest in HPL and the Mythos.