Category Archives: Uncategorized

Weird Tails and Year’s End

Well, look what just turned up in the post, my author’s copy of Weird Tails, a brand new compilation of Mythos fiction, which is inspired by both HP Lovecraft and horror fiction’s ongoing fascination with all things feline. It’s a fantastic folio of freakishly feline fables and features an array of authors from the Innsmouth […]

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 interview!

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Live Play!

From Section M Headquarters Greetings agent! Your presence is both requested and required to embark on a top secret mission into occupied France tonight at 7pm BST on Twitch.TV to combat the menace of the Nazi occult force known as the Black Sun. The odds are against us, the chances of success are slim, but […]

The Protagonist Speaks: Gaston d’Bois

It’s always fun to do something a little different with your characters, something unusual, something a little bit out of the ordinary that takes them places they wouldn’t normally venture. In fact, these often make for the most intriguing passages of writing, places where you can learn something about your own creation that you hadn’t […]

The Cricket Dictionary launches!

In my never ending quest to publish at least a couple of books each year, I’m kicking off again with my long cherished and previously ultra secret sports project – The Cricket Dictionary, which is now available on Amazon in its first definitive edition. It’s been quite the marathon and quite a challenge too, a […]

#15 Long Service Award

Face wizened, seamed, like rivulets cutting their way through a cragged mountain pass, your dark button eyes regard a world of shopping centres, sales and Starbucks. Khaki has given way to Surawal, parade ground to waste ground, Kukri has been long sheathed. You are present but almost forgotten, your reward for a life-time’s devotion, a […]

#8 Remote Control

Your day’s work is over and you drive home through the drowsy warmth of a suburban evening, at peace. When people ask what you do, your lies are well polished, the practiced deceptions of a surrogate warrior. You’re simultaneously on the front line and three thousand miles away, an invisible predator hanging over the battlefield […]