Author Archives: john-houlihan

Win! Awesome Signed Copies of the Mon Dieu Cthulhu! Trilogy!

Print copies are here! While I love my Kindle and pretty much any form of e-reader, there’s nothing quite like holding a physical print book in your hand with that freshly minted straight-off-the-presses smell. Now you can enjoy it too, with a chance to win signed copies of the entire Mon Dieu Cthulhu! trilogy including […]

What the hell is Mon Dieu Cthulhu!?

Mon Dieu Cthulhu!: it’s a rather strange title, but what does it actually mean? Well, it’s one I’ve coined to describe a world of swashbuckling adventures set during the Napoleonic Age as ordinary men and women take on the  supernatural forces fuelling war in Europe. See the entire series on my Amazon author page in […]

Awesome Shadow of the Serpent Cover Reveal!

The day has dawned and I can finally reveal the cover for the newest book in my Mon Dieu Cthulhu! series, Shadow of the Serpent! In this tale of swashbuckling supernatural adventure, dashing French hussar Gaston Dubois takes on the forces of the mythos which secretly fuel the wars of the Napoleonic age. The cover […]

A Searing Summer Update + D-Day: The Darkest Day!

It’s been a bit of a hectic year so far with the highly successful launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Starter Set and the big D-Day: The Darkest Day campaign book to coincide with the 80th anniversary. Plus prepping up for the launch of the new Mon Dieu Cthulhu release. More on all of those in […]

New Story: The Piercer of the Veils

What a delight to hear the delicate thunk of package on doormat, heralding the advent of the new Innsmouth Gold anthology When Shadows Creep. Compiled and edited by Innsmouth Gold himself, the esteemed Rob Poyton, this brand new compendium features nine Lovecraftian tales based in London from a range of authors including B Harlan Crawford, […]

True Detective Season 1 with IBL

Just a short post to let you know about a recent chat I had with those splendid chaps from the Innsmouth Book Club, Rob Poyton and Tim Mendees. Herein, we’re dissecting True Detective Season One. It’s not only one of the best supernatural shows, but also one of the best TV shows of the past […]

The Pickman Papers

Huzzah, the Pickman Papers has launched! This splendid anthology of Dickensian-Lovecraftian crossover tales from the estimable Innsmouth Gold is finally out and ready to order in paperback, with the e-book following in hot pursuit. It’s always a pleasure to find oneself in the august company of the Innsmouth Writing Circle again and this particular compilation […]

Venom, Vengeance and Victory: The Serpent and the Sands

Today sees the pre-order launch of The Serpent and The Sands, a combined guide to North Africa and 10-part TTRPG campaign for Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20. It’s been nearly 18 months in the making and I did the narrative design and direction and led the creative side of the book, as well as writing the first […]

Innsmouth Book Club: Tolkien Talk

Innsmouth isn’t traditionally the most welcoming of places, but I’m kind of known there now, so they let me walk abroad once in a while, without being dragged down to the murky depths. The Esoteric Order of Dagon don’t do a very good cup of tea, but the sushi’s excellent, if you like that kind […]

Interview with Fluff n’ Crunch

Occasionally, I get a chance to emerge from my writing, game designing and narrative bunker and come blinking into the light for a chat with some interesting people. Check out the Interview here. Fluff n’ Crunch are a splendid set of chaps who do deep dives into games design and narrative, especially in Modiphius’s 2d20 […]