One of the great pleasures of working in cosmic horror is inducting new members into the cult …erm I mean welcoming new aficionados to the world of weird fiction.

So it was a lot of fun joining Steve, host of the estimable Page Chewing Podcast, and the excellent Jose of the Amazing Worlds YouTube channel to have a chat about HP Lovecraft for a Halloween special.
Into the Abyss: Exploring Lovecraft’s Legacy and Cosmic Horror – Click here to listen to the audio.
Steve hadn’t really read any Lovecraft before, so we started with two shorts, Pickman’s Model and the Call of Cthulhu. Then we move onto two novellas, The Dunwich Horror and my personal favourite, The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
It was a really enjoyable, laid back conversational chat. We discussed those stories and a lot more, including Lovecraft’s pervasive influence on modern culture like movies, TV, fiction, games design and roleplaying games.
So I commend it to you and I hope you enjoy. It’s a perfect hour’s ramble through strange fiction as the nights draw in.