Tag Archives: Seraph

A Searing Summer Update + D-Day: The Darkest Day!

It’s been a bit of a hectic year so far with the highly successful launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Starter Set and the big D-Day: The Darkest Day campaign book to coincide with the 80th anniversary. Plus prepping up for the launch of the new Mon Dieu Cthulhu release. More on all of those in […]

Mon Dieu Cthulhu!

Sacre blue, what exciting times, proof copies have arrived! After a mighty long gestation period, it’s always a tremendous thrill to see the finished editions finally in your hands. Hot off the presses are two brand new proof copies of impending books by moi, which will be shortly available in both print and ebook formats […]

Before the Flood in print! + Read a FREE sample for yourself

It’s been quite the 2016, and despite the wider notes of resounding despair and impending apocalypse, it’s ended on something of a personal high. I did my first gig in about 25 years (solo, singing with guitar, rather than just playing as in the old Zookeepers of Deviancy days) and finally have managed to get […]

Before the Flood – finished and cover reveal!

  Well that took a bit longer than I was expecting, but finally … finally Before the Flood is complete and the cover is ready to be revealed. As always, it’s a fantastic piece from Spanish artist Borja Pindado, whose covers have adorned all the previous books in my Seraph series. I must say I […]

Win! Copies of The Trellborg Monstrosities and signed cover art

The Trellborg Monstrosities is the first book in the acclaimed Seraph series, chronicling the story of one man who battles the minions of dread Cthulhu thoroughout the ages. It gained 5 star reviews on release, is rated 4/5 average on Good Reads.com and was called ‘an evocative tale of blood, bullets and ice’ by renowned […]

Four books in one day

‘Release four books on one day? You must be deranged,’ the demon of doubt who occasionally takes up residence on my left shoulder ventured. ‘Of course I am,’ I replied. ‘Professionally so, I’m a writer.’ So after a noticeable absence of a few months, I’m finally ready to unleash not one, not two, not even […]

Tomb of the Aeons update

So, some actual news on current works in progress now. I completed the first draft of Tomb of the Aeons, the third Seraph adventure last night and decided I’ll post a little teaser here. So here’s the opening paragraph. “The great dunes at first seem as unchanging as the aeons, yet one soon learns they […]