Tag Archives: Mon Dieu Cthulhu!

A Searing Summer Update + D-Day: The Darkest Day!

It’s been a bit of a hectic year so far with the highly successful launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Starter Set and the big D-Day: The Darkest Day campaign book to coincide with the 80th anniversary. Plus prepping up for the launch of the new Mon Dieu Cthulhu release. More on all of those in […]

Q&A on Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer

It’s always enjoyable to be able to talk about my writing and I’m really pleased to have been interviewed by Adam from the awesome Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer, one of the best fantastic fiction sites around.   In this extensive Q&A, we chat about all manner of shenanigans including my Seraph Chronicles and Mon Dieu […]

The Protagonist Speaks: Gaston d’Bois

It’s always fun to do something a little different with your characters, something unusual, something a little bit out of the ordinary that takes them places they wouldn’t normally venture. In fact, these often make for the most intriguing passages of writing, places where you can learn something about your own creation that you hadn’t […]

Mon Dieu Cthulhu!

Sacre blue, what exciting times, proof copies have arrived! After a mighty long gestation period, it’s always a tremendous thrill to see the finished editions finally in your hands. Hot off the presses are two brand new proof copies of impending books by moi, which will be shortly available in both print and ebook formats […]