Tag Archives: Cthulhu

A Searing Summer Update + D-Day: The Darkest Day!

It’s been a bit of a hectic year so far with the highly successful launch of the Achtung! Cthulhu Starter Set and the big D-Day: The Darkest Day campaign book to coincide with the 80th anniversary. Plus prepping up for the launch of the new Mon Dieu Cthulhu release. More on all of those in […]

New Story: The Piercer of the Veils

What a delight to hear the delicate thunk of package on doormat, heralding the advent of the new Innsmouth Gold anthology When Shadows Creep. Compiled and edited by Innsmouth Gold himself, the esteemed Rob Poyton, this brand new compendium features nine Lovecraftian tales based in London from a range of authors including B Harlan Crawford, […]

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 Arrives!

Wow, this was a while coming! I’ve just received my contributor’s copies of the full range of Achtung! Cthulhu books, dice, and accessories and I have to say they are glorious! Seeing your words and ideas made into such impressive physical form is always a supreme thrill and this is the culmination of over two […]


More fun today as the long awaited Nyarlathotep anthology from Stygian Fox makes its debut on Amazon. I’m always tickled to be part of any anthology and for this one, I contributed Nyarlathotapp, an original short story.  Nyarlathotep has always been a fascinating figure within mythos circles: the dark pharaoh, the crawling chaos, the herald […]

The Shadow Over America

I recently submitted a short story to an new collection with a most intriguing premise: to write a prequel or sequel to one of HP Lovecraft’s tales. Ancestors and Descendants is the result, edited by the estimable Rob Poynton and published by Innsmouth Gold, featuring 17 tales which either foreshadow or follow on from some […]

Bristol Horror Con and Cthulhu: The Beginner’s Guide

Here at the fortress of solitude, work progresses apace on a number of projects, which are finally, finally nearing completion. My long delayed and ultra top secret sports project is on the brink of being unleashed and it’s an absolute monster, having consumed far more of my time than I thought it ever would. Every […]

Tomb of the Aeons update

So, some actual news on current works in progress now. I completed the first draft of Tomb of the Aeons, the third Seraph adventure last night and decided I’ll post a little teaser here. So here’s the opening paragraph. “The great dunes at first seem as unchanging as the aeons, yet one soon learns they […]