Category Archives: Blog

Vital Signals/Future Plans

It’s probably a bit late now to wish everyone a happy new year, so all I’ll say is, welcome to 2022, let’s hope it doesn’t suck as much as its immediate predecessors. It’s started off on a good note for me at least, as I’ve just received my author’s copy of Vital Signals, a brand […]


More fun today as the long awaited Nyarlathotep anthology from Stygian Fox makes its debut on Amazon. I’m always tickled to be part of any anthology and for this one, I contributed Nyarlathotapp, an original short story.  Nyarlathotep has always been a fascinating figure within mythos circles: the dark pharaoh, the crawling chaos, the herald […]

RandomWorlds IRC Chat!

Delighted to announce I did a Q&A session tonight on the excellent Randomworlds IRC site last night, and if you missed it, you can catch up with the archive on the Hardboiled GM Shoe’s site here. I donned my Achtung! Cthulhu overlord’s helmet and chatted about the forthcoming 2d20 version of the game, new campaigns […]

The Protagonist Speaks: Gaston d’Bois

It’s always fun to do something a little different with your characters, something unusual, something a little bit out of the ordinary that takes them places they wouldn’t normally venture. In fact, these often make for the most intriguing passages of writing, places where you can learn something about your own creation that you hadn’t […]

Forgotten Sidekicks: Charioteer

I’ve always enjoyed writing for themed short story collections. With a specific brief to work to, and a limited word count, they’re much more akin to a classic journalistic assignment or essay, allowing you to really focus your energies in a concentrated blast, exploring specific themes or genres you might not have considered left to your own devices. It also helps when the subject matter is an interesting, intriguing or challenging one.

Achtung! and more for 2020…

It’s been a bit quiet on the release front recently as I’ve buried my head in various projects which will eventually come to fruition in 2020. I written a new Cthulhu Mexicana themed story The Three Temptations of Paco Aguilar for a collection recently, the long delayed Charioteer for Forgotten Sidekicks hits in April and […]

Raid on the Führer Express!

Dragonmeet, one of my favourite UK gaming shows is almost upon us and this Saturday I’ll be joining a horde of UK gamers for an all-day gaming session, checking out the latest titles, meeting up with old friends and new, and enjoying the hospitality of the UK’s friendliest gaming show. I’ll also be running two […]

The Shadow Over America

I recently submitted a short story to an new collection with a most intriguing premise: to write a prequel or sequel to one of HP Lovecraft’s tales. Ancestors and Descendants is the result, edited by the estimable Rob Poynton and published by Innsmouth Gold, featuring 17 tales which either foreshadow or follow on from some […]

New Future Fiction Vol 1 now in print!

For a writer, few things can compare with seeing your name on a brand new book which has just arrived (or that new book smell) and so it’s a delight to welcome a print copy of Near Future Fictions Volume 1, an awesome collection of stories from the writers at Virtual Futures. With previous appearances […]

Mon Dieu Cthulhu! – Read it Now! Free Sampler

Quel délice! What a delight, a huge thanks to all you fans who’ve made the launch of The Crystal Void, Feast of the Dead and The d’Bois Escapades Volume 1 in the new Mon Dieu Crhulhu! series such a fantastic one. It’s been absolutely amazing to see the passion and enthusiasm for this new series […]