Huzzah, the Pickman Papers has launched! This splendid anthology of Dickensian-Lovecraftian crossover tales from the estimable Innsmouth Gold is finally out and ready to order in paperback, with the e-book following in hot pursuit.
It’s always a pleasure to find oneself in the august company of the Innsmouth Writing Circle again and this particular compilation of Lovecraftian tales was a real pleasure to work on.
The stars certainly seem to align between Dickensian fiction and Lovecraftian horror and the Georgian-Victorian era seems ripe with possibilities for intriguing stories.
My own tale, The Fitzwyrm Legacy, ended up being a bit of a whopper coming in at around 10k and sees a distant offshoot of an ancient family come to claim his inheritance.
But many strange and outré occurrences and malign influences conspire to threaten not only his sanity but his very soul. Fortunately, the said scion, Dudley Fitzwyrm, was wise enough to engage the services of one Irma Sternblight, a formidable Dickensian occult investigator and this tale chronicles how she advises, guides and aids him during this most trying of times. Once Irma eventually takes the stage at the Pickman Club’s annual dinner and recounts her story, she hopes to warn posterity about the eternal, enduring lessons that made up the totality of the dreadful Fitzwyrm legacy!
Be sure to check this excellent collection out as there’s some brilliant tales from some great writers which you can see listed below plus a full description of the book.
It’s another great collection from mastermind Rob Poyton who assembled and edited a formidable team and another fine entry from the Innsmouth Gold publishing house which is rapidly becoming the UK’s foremost Lovecraftian publisher.
The official site also has more great Lovecraftian Anthologies (some featuring me), plus make sure you secure your ticket to the Innsmouth Literary Festival in September. It’s sure to be a blast and you may never leave!

The Pickman Papers
It is 1826, and the august members of the Pickman Club gather for their Annual Dinner. As is usual, members are asked to share any recent strange or singular experiences with the group. And so, dinner done, the assembled gather round the fireplace as each, in turn, narrates their tale.
Here are those stories, collated by one who was there, presented for your interest and enjoyment. But be warned! The tales within reveal many disturbing secrets about our world and the things that lay beyond and, in some cases, beneath it.
Read then, if you will, of beings of the outer cosmos, and of the peculiar traditions of decaying, seaside towns. Learn of cursed family artefacts and the dangers of experimenting with exotic drugs. And hearken to the chilling reality revealed by the digging of the Thames Tunnel… The door to the Pickman Club is open…..
The Dark Cliffs of Black Ven – Lee Clark Zumpe
The Pickmanites the Amazing Thoth – Miguel Fliguer
Goodbye, Cruel World – Mike Slater
The Hunters of the Highway – Tim Mendees
Events in the City of Norwich – Tony Bradbury
A Sinister Interlude – Gavin Chappell
The Account of Malcom Conrad – B Harlan Crawford
The Feaster From Afar – Glynn Owen Barrass
The Shadow Over the Sepulchre – John DeLaughter
Shadwell’s Tale – Russell Smeaton
The Fitzwyrm Legacy – John Houlihan
The Truth About Dotheboys – Shelley de Cruz
King of Tides – Robert Poyton
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