Tag Archives: Short Stories

New Story: The Piercer of the Veils

What a delight to hear the delicate thunk of package on doormat, heralding the advent of the new Innsmouth Gold anthology When Shadows Creep. Compiled and edited by Innsmouth Gold himself, the esteemed Rob Poyton, this brand new compendium features nine Lovecraftian tales based in London from a range of authors including B Harlan Crawford, […]

The Constellation of Alarion

The Constellation of Alarion is finally here! My new collection of sci-fi short stories can finally be revealed and you can see it’s brand new cover above.

The ebook pre-order is live right now on both Amazon UK and US for Kindle lovers and Smashwords for all other ebook and retail formats, with the print paperback to follow on June 24.


More fun today as the long awaited Nyarlathotep anthology from Stygian Fox makes its debut on Amazon. I’m always tickled to be part of any anthology and for this one, I contributed Nyarlathotapp, an original short story.  Nyarlathotep has always been a fascinating figure within mythos circles: the dark pharaoh, the crawling chaos, the herald […]

Weird Tails and Year’s End

Well, look what just turned up in the post, my author’s copy of Weird Tails, a brand new compilation of Mythos fiction, which is inspired by both HP Lovecraft and horror fiction’s ongoing fascination with all things feline. It’s a fantastic folio of freakishly feline fables and features an array of authors from the Innsmouth […]