Terror at the Innsmouth Literary Festival!

A journey to Innsmouth is never lightly undertaken unless it’s to the marvellous Innsmouth Literary Festival, where I was honoured to be a special guest over the weekend.

As well as meeting a ton of fantastic weird-fiction folk, I spoke on the gaming panel with some august luminaries like Mike Mason, Rob Poyton and Paul Fricker and picked up a bunch of great books and merch.

I was also delighted to launch Shadow of the Serpent in person to an appreciative and not-at-all captive audience (promise) ahead of the full online launch in the UK and US, this Thursday October 3rd. Just two days away now!

Here’s a video of me reading Serpent’s prologue and answering a few questions ahead of the book signing in the hall below. It’s always great to meet and have a chat with fans old and new, sign a few copies and see contended readers add to their collections!

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