It’s always enjoyable to be able to talk about my writing and I’m really pleased to have been interviewed by Adam from the awesome Sci-Fi and Fantasy Reviewer, one of the best fantastic fiction sites around.
In this extensive Q&A, we chat about all manner of shenanigans including my Seraph Chronicles and Mon Dieu Cthulhu series, Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20, the writing process, how the pandemic affected last year and round off with a look at what I’ll be up to in 2021 and beyond. It also includes first word and a sneak cover reveal of the forthcoming The Constellation of Alarion, my brand new sci-fi collection which is coming soon!
It’s always a great pleasure to chat with an appreciative audience and also a great fella, and the Sci-Fi and Fantasy reviewer has a ton of awesome Q&As, reviews and other material to check out, which is well worth your time!
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