Meet the Beautiful but Deadly Felicity Brockenhurst

The Protagonist Speaks is an awesome idea from my good friend Assaph Mehr (of the cracking Felix the Fox mysteries) where heroes, heroines and subjects from a book series are interviewed in character.

Many moons ago, Gaston Dubois submitted to this gentle form of inquisition and now it’s the turn of Felicity Brockenhurst, to take her place in the spotlight.

Agent, operative, instrument, and one of Sir Arthur Wellesley’s most renowned spies and assassins, the woman the French call, La Rosignol (the Nightingale) is one of the stars of the second Mon Dieu Cthulhu! book Feast of the Dead.

In this candid interview (which was immense fun to write), she reveals more about her background, skills, upbringing, and a host of fascinating details which really develop her character. You can learn even more about the Heroes of Mon Dieu Cthulhu! here and its nefarious Villains here.

Although she doesn’t play a major role in the latest Mon Dieu Cthulhu book Shadow of the Serpent, fate (or rather, I) foresee big things in Mademoiselle Brockenhurst’s future (including maybe a spin off series), so without further fanfare check it out and learn about this glacial, beautiful and deadly woman!

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